
How it works

The Clearinghouse process:

  1. Asking for help. A person in need is referred by either a church or local agency, or contacts Love INC directly.
  2. Qualifying for help. Specially trained Love INC interviewers assess the request, determine the caller’s commitment toward self-help and discover any larger issues contributing to their current situation.
  3. Providing help. The request is referred to the most appropriate Love INC church, Love INC ministry, or community agency. Volunteers, material resources, and outreach programs are then matched to the corresponding need.
  4. Following up. The outcome is reviewed. Were the immediate needs met? Is there a core issue that requires attention? At this stage, the person in need also has the opportunity to meet with a Pastor or become connected to a church if he or she desires. This is often the stage where real hope and long-term relationships emerge.

Clearinghouse Volunteers

Please prayerfully consider volunteering at the Love INC Clearinghouse on either Wednesday, or Friday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. There is much work that needs to be completed, and each new volunteer is a great blessing.

Resource Coord. with a stack of client requests. We need more phone and intake volunteers!

To learn more, please contact the Clearinghouse Coordinator, Karen, at 780-4090, ext. 29.

3 thoughts on “Clearinghouse

  1. Do you guys help with rental or deposit assistance or can point me in the right direction?
    I’m a single mom of 4 who has been living with my mom these last few months since we moved here. She leaves in a few days so we need to be out of here too. We found a place but i need 1st months rent 1175 which I have and a 1000 deposit which i don’t have. Plus having to buy fuel. It’s a lot to swing all at once. I’m panicking on how I’m going to do this. Someone mentioned I should reach out to you guys.

  2. Good afternoon,
    I’m currently dealing with a 7 eviction notice & was hoping for any rent assistance. I do have a job lined up but my start date isn’t until February 2023. I don’t know where else to turn for help, I really don’t want to lose my only safe home for my kid and me.

  3. -Hi Noelle,
    I hope that you were able to get assistance. If not plesase call our Welcome Desk at 907-708-4090 so a volunteer can help you start the intake process between 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.


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